Useful docker commands that we may use daily
1.List all running containers
$ docker ps -a
2. List all running containers (only IDs)
$ docker ps -aq
3. Pull an image
$ docker pull <image_name>
4. Start/Run a container
$ docker run <image_name>
The above command will start a container for that image and will put logs to stdout. If you don't want to see the logs at systemout use start instead of run.
$ docker start <image_name>
Another variation of docker run can be used to override the default command in the container
$ docker run <image_name> <command to run>
➜ ~ docker run busybox echo hey there
hey there
5. Stop all running containers.
$ docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
This issues a SIGTERM signal to all the containers. However if containers don't respond it automatically sends a SIGKILL.
$ docker kill $(docker ps -aq)
This issues a SIGKILL signal to all the containers.
6. Remove all stopped containers.
$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
7. Remove all images.
$ docker rmi $(docker images -q)
8. Docker Cleanup Stopped containers, unused networks, dangling container,images
$ docker system prune
9. Get logs from a container
$ docker logs <containerid>
Note you can use docker logs on even a stopped container.
10. Execute a command from inside the container.
$ docker exec -it <container_id> <command>
➜ ~ docker exec -it 9811888d36f4 ls
data prometheus.yml
When we specify -i in docker exec command, what we are trying to say is to send to stdin for the container, the stuff we are typing in our shell.
-t flag takes the stdout for the container and sends it to stdout for our shell