Every once in a while, we stumble upon a book that profoundly impacts our lives, instigates change, and even redefines our perspectives. Today, I bring you a curated list of 12 transformative books that encompass personal development, professional growth, financial wisdom, entrepreneurial journeys, software engineering, spirituality, mental health, and leadership skills that I got a chance to read in 2022.

1) “The First 90 Days” by Michael Watkins

This book is a roadmap for leaders at all levels. Watkins provides strategies for getting up to speed quickly in a new role, whether it’s a promotion or a career transition. With detailed plans and explicit guidelines, this book is an essential read for those seeking to make a mark in their initial days in a new position.

2) “The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever” by Michael Bungay Stanier

Stanier redefines the concept of leadership in this remarkable book. He emphasizes the importance of being a good listener, asking the right questions, and cultivating a coaching habit to bring out the best in the people you lead. It’s a brilliant guide to enhance your leadership capabilities and to inspire your team.

3) “Happier No Matter What” by Tal Ben-Shahar

In this enlightening read, Ben-Shahar discusses the idea of finding happiness amidst adversity. He focuses on resilience, acceptance, and the importance of maintaining a positive outlook regardless of the circumstances. This book is a roadmap to nurturing mental well-being in challenging times.

4) “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel

Housel explores the complex relationship between humans and money, breaking down complicated economic concepts into relatable narratives. This book underscores the fact that our behavior and beliefs significantly influence our financial decisions, more so than any formula or statistical analysis.

5) “Senior Software Engineer” by David Bryant Copeland

“Senior Software Engineer” dives into the interpersonal skills required for this pivotal role. The book probably offers insights into software architecture, efficient coding practices, team leadership, and the continuous learning required to stay relevant in this fast-paced field.

Arguably one of the best books to level up as a senior engineer.

6) “The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra

Chopra beautifully merges spiritual wisdom with practical advice in this book. It outlines seven laws, or principles, based on ancient philosophy, which if practiced daily, can lead to a fulfilling life of success and happiness. This book is a beautiful guide for those seeking a deeper spiritual connection with the universe and themselves.

7) “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fk” by Mark Manson

Manson’s book serves as a wake-up call, urging us to stop being positive all the time and instead become better at handling adversity. This raw and honest book teaches us how to focus on what truly matters in life and how to let go of the things that don’t.

8) “ADHD 2.0” by Dr. Edward M. Hallowell and Dr. John J. Ratey

This book serves as an essential guide for anyone seeking to understand ADHD. The authors, both renowned experts on ADHD, provide a comprehensive overview of the condition, debunk common myths, and offer practical strategies to manage ADHD effectively.

9) “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek

Sinek emphasizes the importance of understanding the ‘why’ behind our actions. He argues that leaders who communicate their ‘why’ are more successful and inspiring. This book is a profound exploration of what motivates us and how we can find purpose in our work and life.

10) “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace” by Gary Chapman and Paul White

This book provides insights into how to make any workplace environment more encouraging and productive. It teaches readers how to communicate appreciation effectively, understand colleagues’ unique needs, and build stronger work relationships.

11) “Think Like a Monk” by Jay Shetty

In this life-changing book, Shetty, a former monk, shares his wisdom on overcoming negative thoughts and habits. He combines ancient wisdom and the practices monks use to gain a sense of peace, and offers practical steps for applying them in our busy lives.

12) “SQL Antipatterns” by Bill Karwin

This book is a treasure trove for anyone working with SQL databases. Karwin highlights common mistakes, or ‘antipatterns,’ that programmers often make while designing databases and offers better alternatives. This is a go-to guide for anyone aspiring to improve their SQL skills.

Each book in this list has the potential to change your perspective in different domains. Whether you’re seeking professional growth, personal transformation, or spiritual enlightenment, these books are sure to provide valuable insights. So why wait? Embark on these literary journeys and discover the change you’ve been seeking.

Here are the book I read in years before.

Categories: Miscellaneous


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